Albert Camus on 30

“At 30 a man should know himself like the palm of his hand, know the exact number of his defects and qualities, know how far he can go, foretell his failures – be what he is. And, above all, accept these things.” – Albert Camus

Feelings about turning 30 vary among individuals.  Broadly it is a time of introspection (usually the week leading up to the big day), positive and uplifting for some, and nerve-wracking for others.  The essential question, “Who am I?” floats in their minds.   Coming into just over the half-way point of my 30th year of life I clearly remember that week.  Specifically for me the question was, “Am I the man I thought I would be?”  Not perfect by any means, but in the sum of my imperfections and capabilities the man I was meant to be.  One can only hope so.  Or rather accept that this is the life you have and get on with it.


Migrations from Tumblr

Just a few select images from my Tumblr account I wanted to bring over here:




pas-d-avenir:Tim LahanStarch not needed.